Beautiful piece. Thank you for saying it all so eloquently.

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Very kind of you Oula. I have very young kids so the last 15 months have been hellish.

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This is beautifully written. Israel has, indeed, succeeded in trivializing the Holocaust.

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I greatly appreciate the kindness. these are very dark days.

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Thank you for this incredibly articulate and succinct piece that is so well written . I do not mean that in any condescending way! I appreciate your writing for its content and style.Many years ago, I took 2 of my daughters to the site. It was very moving for all us and there was a lot of silence and meditation after which one of my daughters, after panning the surrounding houses that sit on the outskirts asked: How could these people live here? Which has made me ask myself : After 16 months of genocide, declared and intended by Israel, and displayed to the world, a world that sits and watches like those pastorale houses on the edges of Auschwitz, how can we live in this world?

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Dear Peter, I am very grateful for your kindness. I looked at your profile and you are a man after my own heart. I work wood, though I make up with audacity what I lack in talent and I write poetry as well, where the situation is similar.

There is one matter that has never left my mind since I visited Auschwitz more than two decades ago. The noise of the Israelis walking through the place with their flags and their songs. It felt like the desecration of hollow earth and over the past 15 months it began to make more sense. The desecration of Auschwitz for political gain by the Israelis and their recruitment of the dead in the killing of the children of Gaza is a crime that I will never forgive.

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