Thank you for writing about this important topic. Really horrible what is happening

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That “children’s song” is the foulest evidence of the full depravity of Israeli society. The adults of that society are absolutely despicable. In a few years, those young children will be old enough to no longer be considered innocent. Israel is a satanic state.

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I do sense and understand your rage but I will say, we need to be able to look at Israelis save the just. The ones who have put their lives in the line to speak, to document and to shelter palestinians. We also need to make sure that the foundation of the state of Palestine is not the same that roots Israeli cruelty. Lest us never hear people that represent the hopes of the Palestinians say "there are no innocent civilians in Tel Aviv".

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Hey Abby,,,check out what they are teaching young Arab children in Gaza and Ramallah and tell me what you find. I’ll give you a hint…depravity on steroids.

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Hey Marty…after such a brutal and savage attack on our homeland, would you prefer that we just roll over and teach our children to give up and surrender to brutal savages? Of course you would. It’s all a game to you.

Why don’t you go through the textbooks and teaching materials in Arab schools and report back to me.

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Hi Abbas, not sure what exactly ‘satanic’ means but your sentiment is correct. That said this (meaning Israel) is a synthetic creation - meaning it is a fraud, which bizarrely, for most Israelis and Jews this have bypassed all intellectual honesty and critical thinking mechanisms. This fraud is clearly being attempted on rest of humanity in a process of “Israelization” … the ‘pandemic’ may have been an introduction… I have lived in Israel for 30 years (was born there) and can comment from DIRECT experience. Most Israelis are probably sunk too deep into the hypnosis to retain healthy rational faculties. Certainly very interesting to observe, although challenging for all of humanity.

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“Satanic state” is a turn of phrase, not to be taken literally, but metaphorically. I meant it in the sense that Norman Finkelstein meant it a year ago in this video:


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I have come to believe that the only way to describe these forms of evil is with the use of the word demonic, not satanic. I think Finkelstein uses it as a general term of abuse but I think that for me the sense is that this is no the kind of cruelty and barbarity that I can locate among my fellow human beings. It can only emmanate from another source. The sharpshooting of children is something that my mind refuses to understand as an act of which humans are capable. Ergo, a demonic act.

I do believe, however, that the tools that we need to deploy to finish with Zinonism, protect Judaism, bring the murderes to justice and above all else, let the ground be fertile for the creation of the freedom of palestinians is human justice.

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Thank you for this. Despite being an Israeli expat, I did not see these kids singing video. I can categorically (and objectively!!) say to you that this is 100% cast iron proof that Israel is a fake and fraud entity (and always has been). A synthetically made up (sick) nation. There are no if's and no but's. This is pure psychological fraud on the Jews and in fact on the world at large(!) BY filthy rich Jews and the imperial structure (mafia) which they are embedded within. The explanation for this is not very long or complicated and I have written about it. For additional material just search for the Israeli film "Defamation" 2009 by Yoav Shamir. I don't know Yoav at all but it is my suspicion he did NOT intend to expose what this song is demonstrating now. It seems to me Shamir has stumbled on this truth possibly without fully understanding what he has unearthed (and can be seen so vividly here). We can feel this is "troubling stuff" but so far very little was done in terms of addressing the bigger picture of the phenomenon which is impossible to deny. This inability (by Israelis too!) to come up with satisfactory explanation to a most fundamental core issue within western and world politics for so very long is in itself a sign of what we are faced with. Most Israelis are cheating themselves but a certain layer in the high echelons KNOW (without a shadow of a doubt) the whole thing is a fraud. I will try and download this video for my records. Just "unbelievable" stuff that I have known about for years. Thank you again.

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Dear Martin Gak, many thanks for your article. I appreciated it very much. I feel sorry for these Israeli children who are going to be the IDF soldiers and Palestinian killers in a few years from now. Those who are going to be snippers killing Palestinian children shooting in their heads. Sorry for them who believe that their apartheid state is always right and that it is in the center of the universe.

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They abused both their own kids and Palestinian kids.

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